I know a boy…

A boy too far from town to learn baseball.

I know a boy who wants to be known for “not being special.” Well rounded, you might say. And he won’t tell you that about himself. He thinks other people with think that “not being special” is dumb and not a very good life goal. Did I mention he cares what people think? He won’t tell you that either. His mother’s favorite human was her grandfather. Her grandfather was good at everything, especially her grandmother. They would race to wake up first each morning, to see who could make coffee for the other. They were given to each other. She loved that about them. Her grandfather’s name she gave to her boy. Her boy was 14 at the funeral. Death brought the second time she felt betrayed that year. So her boy became a man. Two days and two whiskys ago he leaned over: “Life is more than counting minutes or money… isn’t it?” Apparently he’s not so sure. Of anything. Blame that road trip with his granddad. 2,000 miles of talking philosophical to an eight year old… his head got heavy. A single word that could describe his life to this point would have more consonants than vowels. If you want him to be useful, you’ll want to keep him away from sunsets in the evergreen wilderness of northern New Mexico. He built a gray house with his dad when he was 13. The blisters hurt but the calluses made him softer. He wants those closest to him to know he loves them. More than he wants to be admired by those far away. I know, I know. Familiarity brings contempt. A prophet is hated in his hometown. I tried. He won’t listen. Get this, most people think The Parting Glass is a funeral song. He thinks it’s a wedding song. It’s his favorite song. I asked him “what’s something you want to do everyday for the rest of your life?” He said “help someone wonder.” You’ve probably noticed, he can be a bit grandiose. Also famous for squinty eyes and zipped lips, which is funny, because, more than anything, I think he just wants to taste and see all that is good. And one day, he wants to wake up, smelling coffee.