Death is sealed…

“On the 13th day of the 12th month, kill them all.

“Young and old, women and children; you are to destroy the Set-Apart People.”

Orchestrating the first recorded genocide attempt, Haman drafts an edict ordering the annihilation of the Chosen.

Written in the name of the King and sealed with the King’s signet ring, the order is hurried to every province in the land.

We know what happens next.   The courageous queen bets her life, going before the King and interceding for her people.

The whole scheme is thrust into the light and the Evil One, seeking death for others, finds it for himself.

The perpetrator of this wickedness is overthrown – the people are saved!  Right?

Not quite.  We still have a problem.

In this Kingdom, any decree written in the name of the King can never be revoked.

“…kill them all.”  The Law is on the books.  The people must die.

Heaven and earth will pass away but the death order will never pass away.

Then, the newly appointed second-to-the-King presents a solution.

With the King’s approval, a new order is drawn.

“By the King’s authority, each of God’s Elect is hereby granted the right to assemble and to defend their lives, to destroy, to kill and to annihilate the entire army of any people or province which might attack them.”

Written in the name of the King and sealed with the King’s signet ring, this final injunction overcomes the grave and delivers salvation for Israel.

Death is not revoked.   Death is overcome.

There is a feast and a holiday.  Many people throughout the Kingdom are adopted by Faith.

A day intended for Evil is ultimately used for Good.

An act of selfless love, the Intercessor willing to lose her life for her people, purchases the power and authority over death for her people.

“…there was light and gladness and joy and honor.”

I do love a happy ending…