The only way to lose everything?

“So what else does your daddy do?”

The strange boy smiled.
“I remember this one time he painted a sunset, all purple and orange, using only his toes. And he laughed the whole time.“

The evening crickets chortled too, as the boys walked along.

“So he just gives apples away? For free?”

“Yup. He gives to everyone. Not just apples, all kinds of fruits.“

They passed a blue-bellied owl spreading his wings to catch a moon tan.

“One of my favorite stories is about a boy who grew up with nothing. Daddy gave him a whole kingdom.” The strange boy giggled. “He made every mistake you can think of. He didn’t always follow the rules. He didn’t always think things through. But he loved Daddy. A lot. One time he was so happy about knowing our Daddy that he danced around in his underwear. In the street. True story. When he came home to live with us, everyone danced in the streets.”

“Another cool story is about a boy who was born to trouble. Daddy gave him a clever mind and big ambitions. This boy messed it up and down 40 years of his life. But he always loved Daddy. We sure rang the bells when he came home.”

They halted to watch a few tears of fire fall across the face of the sky.

“Tell me another… please.“

“One boy was especially bright. Daddy gave him royal position and wealth. He kept it pretty well. He tried to get all he could and he was careful to keep everything he had. When he came here to live with us, the sparkle that once lived in his eye was gone. He had saved a lot, but he hadn’t loved anyone.”

“What happened to him?”

The strange boy breathed.
“He said ‘I thought you were a hard master so I saved everything you gave me! Here, I bring it all to you!’”
“Then Daddy said to him ‘Yes, you have returned it all. You’ve made it as though I never gave it.’”

And a tear of fire fell.

“If I am fear to you then fear I am to you.”
“If I am love to you then love I am to you. “

The way you receive a gift, defines it.

2018 packed her last bag this week.
I asked her to leave me with a bit of her wisdom.

Here’s what she said. I thought you might like it…

If life is a game, we’re playing with our hearts and fear is our only adversary.

Fear shows up in a sharp suit with a pretty checklist.
Fear is reasonable.
Fear works.

For a while.

Eventually fear has me stalled, sidelined, sidetracked, derailed, detached, bench warming, Netflix chilling, grounded, high and dry, pigeon holed, on the shelf, on ice… asleep.

No one has ever been paralyzed by love…

What if not playing is the only real way to lose?

Holding the sun in your hand…

He was born under the shadow of a cactus.  

He was born walking.

Independent from birth, like all desert creatures.

Desert life is perfect.  Perfectly fair.  You reap what you sow.

Cactus cultivation is primary business in the desert.

Drink cactus to feel quenched.  Eat cactus to feel stuffed.

Life is full for desert people.

One day while walking and plucking thorns from his lips, he saw a strange boy perched on a fence post.

He had never seen a fence post in this spot before.

This boy was eating a strange fruit.

It looked like a sunset in his hand.

Pink and orange and yellow all at the same time.

Juice melted into his fingers, pooled in his palm and made tiny streams down his dusty arm.

“Is that…. an apple?”

He stepped closer.

Just saying the word made his mouth water and run dry.

An old traveler spoke of apples once.

All the cactus people said the old man was crazy.

“Yup!  Want one?”

Reaching into his bag, the strange boy presented another pink fiery apple.

Streams of apple juice were dried on both of their arms when the sunlight began to swoon.

“Where do you get the apples?”

“From my dad.”

“What’s a ‘dad’?”

When the strange boy smiled it looked like the moon was in his mouth.

“Come with me.  I’ll show ya.”

A woman in her place…

An English Earl knocked on the front door with a battering ram, but Patrick Dunbar wasn’t home.

The enemy Earl believed this castle kept by women would be easily swept from their keep.

He learned hard that a Scotswoman doesn’t sweep easy.

Earl arrived at Dunbar Castle early in 1338, February.

Marching up from Edinburgh, his army encircled the entire fortress.

They petitioned the mistress of the manor, Mrs. Dunbar…

“Surrender, or be sieged!” they said.

The lady of the lair rendered the following response…

“Of Scotland’s King I haud my house,
I pay him meat and fee,
And I will keep my gude auld house,
while my house will keep me.”

Did you know Scots invented the “rap battle?”

The English were much better at old, less fashionable forms of battle.

So they began battering the walls with mud-caked boulders.

When the trebuchet slings hung still, even the proud top parts had not cracked.

The damage was so nil, Madam Dunbar marched her damsels across the walls.

Dressed in their Sunday best, they faked fear and laughed and feigned tears.

They made a show of dusting the ramparts with their handkerchiefs.

Blustering, Salisbury staked his final assault.

“Get ‘The Sow’ to the wall!!” he ordered.

The Sow was a two-story siege machine, soldiers up top, miners down under.

Why was it named like a mother of pigs? We have no idea.

“To the wall! That’s it!” he said.

Mother Dunbar and her maids promptly dropped a wardrobe-sized rock on the porcine machine.

Their gravity powered pile driver had been delivered air mail, courtesy of the Royal Catapults.

That soggy stone squished the squealing structure completely.

The Earl of Salisbury “sallied forth” shortly thereafter.

That’s fancy English for “he gave up and went home.”

Agnes Dunbar held her own.

Some have said this story is too wild to be true.

If you’ve known a woman who carries the spirit of Scotland in her heart…
…you know this sounds about right.

Easy going hard knowing looks safe cracking smiles easily strong castle keeping Sunday best dressed down river heart over head out of town squared shoulders brushing boulders off… flint face on, smiling, knowing, holding her own.

She lives and loves on her own two feet.
No sweepy sweepers need apply.

P.S. Two ancient words suggest that this special spirit lived in the first lady.

My friend wrote about it.  Some think he’s crazy.  He’s definitely not sweepy.

Only click if you like ideas that surprise. =)

A mad story…

Do you know about The Scarecrow?
It’s a short story.
This story is haunted by a song from Willy Wonka.

…come with me,
and you’ll be,
in a world of pure imagination…

Wonka was a lovely, crazy bird, wasn’t he?
An albatross in the land of Light, Willie was.

Speaking of giants…
Chipotle made themselves delightfully small
with this animated story, The Scarecrow.

If you’ve already seen it,
then you know you want to see it again.

So watch it.
Watch out for the cow,
sometimes that part gets blurry…

Watch “The Scarecrow” (exactly 202 seconds)…


Okay, who’s chopping onions in here?

Chipotle made us cry and get angry… by drawing a cartoon cow?

How?  Facts?
Zero.  Figurines are the hero.

  • This “ad” sparked 18,400,000 social conversations in the first month…
  • Movie houses paid Chipotle to run it as an opening short in theaters, before a documentary about food.
  • The Scarecrow game rocketed to #1 on App Store downloads…

Why did people love to watch a three-and-a-half-minute advertisement for a virtual farming game?

Why did you watch a three-and-a-half-minute advertisement for a virtual farming game?


I asked some of my friends – Jerry, Roy, Steve and Wiki.

“There is no such thing as an attention span. People have an infinite attention span, if you are entertaining.”
— Jerry of Seinfeld

“Entertainment is the only currency with which you can purchase the time and attention of a too busy public.”
— Roy H. Williams III

“We’re trying to bring people in through entertainment…”
— Steve Ells, Chipotle Founder


Let’s cut to the check and chase the bottom line…


When it’s a big idea you’re selling,
it better be a mad story you’re telling.


Once upon a time, three magicians rolled into town.
“We’re looking for a baby who is a King.”
Everyone laughed at these kooky Eastern guys.
“Seriously folks, the stars are telling us he’s around here.”
But everyone in town pretended they didn’t care.
The magi went a way, following their star.
After many days, said star stood still in the sky.
This star parked right over a little house.
When the wise guys saw this, they went nuts.
They went into the house.
They saw the boy with his mother.
They fell to the ground and worshipped Him.
Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Later in the story,
the king of the town tried to kill Him.
But He lived.

Later, later in the story,
the people of the town did kill Him.
But He lived again.

Now that is a mad story.

Lovely, crazy, and bright.

…and so are you, right?

…if you want to view paradise,
simply look around and view it.

anything you want to, do it.

want to change the world?
there’s nothing, to it…

Someday I will…

A movie is a collection of unique photographs.

A film features 158,400 unique frames.

Have you ever wondered which frame is the most important one?

A silly question, I know.

The dark frame needs the light frame.

The waiting one needs the coming one.

The trembling one needs the holding one.

Every frame is the best one.

Perfectly placed in time.

Telling a story.

A life is a collection of unique moments.

You are perfectly placed in time.

This moment needs you.

The Story needs you.