Afraid to laugh…

“If a good god is real why doesn’t he or she just show up sitting on a cloud or riding a unicorn with wings or something?”

“Did you know Where’s Waldo has sold more than 55 million copies around the world?”


“Where’s Waldo, the crowd scenes with the Waldo character hiding in every single one…”

“Yeah yeah, I know. Great way to kill time. Super hard to find that guy sometimes. What’s that got to do with anything?”

“How many do you think we would buy if every page was just a giant picture of Waldo’s face?”

I waited for a giant picture for a long time. Then I got bored.

What if the point of all this is to get good at killing time?

Eternity is a long time, after all.

“Seek, and you will find.”

Maybe God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh…

Excuse me, I’m being serious here, did you just giggle?