You write rainbows tight…

Waking up inside your words wrangled,
I notice light careening
from every angle
and that even the sparkles
have a dangle…

Color’s married, dressed in white
Liquid rainbows packed in tight

This world, says my gut
Was clearly by a princess cut

Clarity is looking at what isn’t there
Power of pressure, compressed air

Some people just want to wear it
But to me, knowing their maker is worth more than a carat

Sound of little feet…

Dauntless. Adventure. Endurance.

Surprise. Carousel. Crescent.

Assurance. Orient. Success.

Diamond. Resistance. Flyer.

Penzance. Pandora. Bounty.

Treader. Nightingale. Valorous.

Resource. Speedwell. Lively.

Active. Anglesea. Rainbow.

Victory. Kinsale. Crown.


When things don’t look great and fear stops for more than a “hey!” it’s time to take to lash and lay and bring that thought’s bow about.

Shouting a list of ship names is always sure to set your heart for sea.

At least, it works for ___.

P.S. try the list again, out loud – your guts will get tight and gird themselves up and fly into a courage so strong your footprints will sound like the clouds in the painting below. (You might think I’m making that up…)

Borrowed eternity…

The moon was given as a ring around the sky
while up the glassy aisle we waked
an unstanding repose, still, two gathered.
Borne forward, a greater Power and not our own.
In quietness and trust, breathing the liquid night
and the fragrance of one Fire.
I decided I wouldn’t mind if that River would wind forever…
and see, it does.