Naked fire in the sky…

“I see bright beams begin to feather the air, fluttering and floating and tickling the stars to death.

One by one they give their twinkling rays to the gaze of the one testing the horizon.

His warm fingers of light find the cold locks of night… the door to the day is here.

There’s certainly something sacred in the sun’s gentle way.

Warblers wait rooted in the treetops, for that moment.

Seeds stay their wrestling in the earth, in that moment.

Even time trembles and takes a breath at that threshold moment.

I’ve always wondered why he hesitates.  What is he waiting for?  

Maybe waiting for us to feel the waiting…

Then it’s crossing over and riding on the clouds, peeling back the robes of night and washing clear the cold black blight.

Naked fire fills the sky and the full glory is harsh light.

The beauty in all the earth is seen as she newly is.  As she truly is…”

They sat and stared awhile, wearing the heavy light.

“I’m glad you asked me that.”  said the strange boy.
“What do you see in a sunrise?”