Laughter climbed the walls and swung from heart to heart on those steel monkey bars forged in long furious fights for love.
Freedom stained our lips and the white tablecloth where a joke ambushed us mid drink.
Looking around, finding sparkling soul windows all around, mine almost cried.
We fought battles to be here. We got scars to be here.
But not everyone is here.
So we drink, and we remember.
We remember the battle we couldn’t fight and the scars we didn’t get.
We remember the night Death found us covered in blood and not our own.
And we remember the One who doesn’t drink tonight.
We drink a bright living thing trampled underfoot
and killed
and wrung
and flowed into a dark place to rest.
We drink a new thing, living again
and poured out
and blotting out
and knitting heartstrings
in glowing bonds of a forever freedom.
We drink. And this is called Joy.
So I smile while my eyes surrender.
I laugh and taste the salt too.
Because we are here and not every one, yet.