Are we getting lazy about sleep?
I’ve been staying up late to catch up on reading up on important things.
(Important people up there tell me “that’s what important people do up here.”)
Just read this report.
I’m going to bed right after I finish telling you about it.
It’s pretty long. It’s okay if you don’t feel like reading it.
I like sleep, so I read it.
Stuff you will learn about when you skim this report:
- Sleeping less than 6-8 hours EVERY night kills you dead by age 60.
- Sleeping 6-8 hours EVERY night increases your ability to experience joy.
- In 1942, fewer than 1 in 100 Americans where sleeping less than 6 hours.
- Today, nearly 1 in 2 Americans are sleeping less than 6 hours.
- If you’re getting enough sleep, someone is telling you “you are lazy.”
- Bragging about sacrificing sleep is like bragging about cutting yourself.
My favorite part is this.
Sleep scientist Dr. Walker talks what we don’t know about sleep:
“These cycles still have their mysteries. During NREM sleep, your brain goes into this incredible synchronized pattern of rhythmic chanting. There’s a remarkable unity across the surface of the brain, like a deep, slow mantra. Researchers were once fooled that this state was similar to a coma. But nothing could be further from the truth. Vast amounts of memory processing is going on. To produce these brainwaves, hundreds of thousands of cells all sing together, and then go silent, and on and on. Meanwhile, your body settles into this lovely low state of energy, the best blood-pressure medicine you could ever hope for.”
Sounds heavenly.
Funny, someone wrote some stuff in a really old book that sounds similar.
REMEMBER: after the first page, who knows what the weather will be?
When you click to go deeper, you might encounter windy politics or rainy religion or any other elements of domesticated lunacy…