A preface to knowing…

“The radio dial is a mood selector switch.”
– highest paid radio ad writer in the world

Want to feel sad? We’ve got stations for that.
Mad? Click, click, click.

Cars have 6 or 12 station presets because we all use the radio
as our “Dial-A-Feeling” machine.

That’s why radio stations only play songs with obvious moods.

Most of us are already tangled up, not knowing what to feel.
We don’t need a song for that.

Or maybe that’s not right.

Maybe the songs that skate some secret line are the truest songs.
The purest songs.

Like spring water for your soul. A clear taste, but what is it?

My ears sip again with a question…

Oh, salty, like tears… wait, no. Sweet! Like triumph.

Wait, hold on….

That’s it. Just “hold on.” Stay with it. Sip and wonder.

Take the ride. Follow the road. Be tied in knots. Be carried off.

Most days I know what I want to feel and hop the train to a favorite station.

Other days, rare days, I’m brave enough to feel something different.

I’ll turn and take some country road that goes nowhere to be found.

There I’ve found feeling that wouldn’t fit in a thousand songs.

I tried to pick it up with words but it fell apart.

It was a preface to knowing.

Now I just know.

And be still.

Something I’ve been sipping on…