Going off halfhearted…

Sayers of wisdom say…

“Love of one’s country is part of the faith.”

Yes! It is good and noble to die for home and hearth. But steady now soldier. The sayers of wisdom haven’t rested yet. Listen, still.

“Your ‘real’ country is where you’re heading, not where you are.”

“It’s right to love your home place, but first ask, ‘Where is that, really?’”

How often am I off and running while wisdom is still standing with words in her mouth..

What do you want?

If questions had hands this one would pinch your cheeks 
and maybe sometimes slap you in the face.

Like that aunt, lovable but only once-a-year; 
intrusive, audacious and unavoidable, this question.

You answer with your life. 

All I ask is a small ship and a Star to steer her by…

Do you think that, everything, is too much to ask?


For the one who would believe, 
mountains of evidence are waiting 
to jump into the ocean of his heart. 

For the one who would not believe, 
mountains of evidence will not be moved 
so that his heart may have a steady place to rest. 

This is the humility of the One who Loves. 

That this Love would exist
or not exist
in my world, 
according to my preference. 

As you believe, so be it unto you. 

Believe, or don’t, carefully.

You have the power of Creation in you.


Time is a friend I love to hate.
So fanciful and flighty and romantic and… untrue.
Seven hours in a second and seven days feeling every second like an hour.

Time, why are you so timely?


Hiatus comes from the Latin hio, which means a yawning or an opening. 

A familiar-looking sister word is portal.   

Think: a yawning grave.   

Now that is an interesting portal. 

Hiatus is also familiar to anatomical language, referring to an opening, especially in an organ. 

e.g. the Hiatus aorticus is a hole in your diaphragm. 

Your aorta goes through there. 

All your life blood goes through a hole in the thing that gives you breath. 

How about that.

Spilled on a tree…

Valentine’s Day celebrated everyone knows but I’m not very sure I have one of those so I’m writing to you to celebrate red.

Red is good for many things.

Keeping the robin warm in rain springs and telling the tomato how to make a burger look yum and making barns less boring and Texas tourists call the fire department when they see fields on fire with all the Indian paintbrush.

Red is always reminding us where we are.

A red dot in a crowded mall or a red blot on a cursed tree.

Red is good for knowing where you are.

You are here.

Are you glad you are here?

I am.

Glad you are here.

Your mission…

Everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head.
Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are.
We build ourselves out of that story.
– Patrick the Rothfuss

What story do you tell yourself?

It must be a good one… 🙂

Our world needs a good story.

Keep telling it, would you?

A mad story…

Do you know about The Scarecrow?
It’s a short story.
This story is haunted by a song from Willy Wonka.

…come with me,
and you’ll be,
in a world of pure imagination…

Wonka was a lovely, crazy bird, wasn’t he?
An albatross in the land of Light, Willie was.

Speaking of giants…
Chipotle made themselves delightfully small
with this animated story, The Scarecrow.

If you’ve already seen it,
then you know you want to see it again.

So watch it.
Watch out for the cow,
sometimes that part gets blurry…

Watch “The Scarecrow” (exactly 202 seconds)…


Okay, who’s chopping onions in here?

Chipotle made us cry and get angry… by drawing a cartoon cow?

How?  Facts?
Zero.  Figurines are the hero.

  • This “ad” sparked 18,400,000 social conversations in the first month…
  • Movie houses paid Chipotle to run it as an opening short in theaters, before a documentary about food.
  • The Scarecrow game rocketed to #1 on App Store downloads…

Why did people love to watch a three-and-a-half-minute advertisement for a virtual farming game?

Why did you watch a three-and-a-half-minute advertisement for a virtual farming game?


I asked some of my friends – Jerry, Roy, Steve and Wiki.

“There is no such thing as an attention span. People have an infinite attention span, if you are entertaining.”
— Jerry of Seinfeld

“Entertainment is the only currency with which you can purchase the time and attention of a too busy public.”
— Roy H. Williams III

“We’re trying to bring people in through entertainment…”
— Steve Ells, Chipotle Founder


Let’s cut to the check and chase the bottom line…


When it’s a big idea you’re selling,
it better be a mad story you’re telling.


Once upon a time, three magicians rolled into town.
“We’re looking for a baby who is a King.”
Everyone laughed at these kooky Eastern guys.
“Seriously folks, the stars are telling us he’s around here.”
But everyone in town pretended they didn’t care.
The magi went a way, following their star.
After many days, said star stood still in the sky.
This star parked right over a little house.
When the wise guys saw this, they went nuts.
They went into the house.
They saw the boy with his mother.
They fell to the ground and worshipped Him.
Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Later in the story,
the king of the town tried to kill Him.
But He lived.

Later, later in the story,
the people of the town did kill Him.
But He lived again.

Now that is a mad story.

Lovely, crazy, and bright.

…and so are you, right?

…if you want to view paradise,
simply look around and view it.

anything you want to, do it.

want to change the world?
there’s nothing, to it…

Someday I will…

A movie is a collection of unique photographs.

A film features 158,400 unique frames.

Have you ever wondered which frame is the most important one?

A silly question, I know.

The dark frame needs the light frame.

The waiting one needs the coming one.

The trembling one needs the holding one.

Every frame is the best one.

Perfectly placed in time.

Telling a story.

A life is a collection of unique moments.

You are perfectly placed in time.

This moment needs you.

The Story needs you.