Will of the woods…

(from Skagit Valley, British Columbia)

Slopes lay streaked with skeletons where the giants had stood. Bandage white, washed by mountain sun… not the color of woods. Yet wood they fell; still there. Some steel, man, his will; well they just bent wood’s will. Steel will where wood won’t, and man won’t where God will. So all these you see, men brought buckling to theirs. Trees seen to scratch the back of the sky; trees known for whispers, groan… stop. Now men and their screaming claws have fled with the crop. Only remains rotting bones of pine with no box. These woods cannot whisper but look, their story is a plain glare.

But there, with a Poet’s eyes, look. That is, look and be wise. Humble death’s child must rise.
Sparkling needles press through, bleeding green and the ground is a quilt of life, all new.

It is man to wail and steal and make some way.
It is woods to lay and wait and grow another day.
I wonder who will have the final will and say…
Will man hold and stay, or will the Woods?

Soul tied to…

“Been thinking about your loony bottle cap idea…”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, maybe it goes with the whole ‘no greater love’ thing. You know, maybe what someone will pay for something, that’s what makes it worth that much.”

Squinty eyes.

“I mean, how do we know when a painting is worth a million dollars?
…When someone pays $1MM for it.”

Light bulbs.

“Yes! Right! And how do we know she’s a princess with virtue and beauty?
…When a prince dares death for her!”

“How do you make everything about a princess?
What are you.. are you writing down our conversation?”

If Someone bleeds for you, that makes you pretty precious… right?

Hold that thought…

I thought she would be the best thing that ever happened to me
I thought kids would bring the brightest shine you’d ever seen
But the winces and winks said “just you wait and see”

Well I don’t want to wait and see
I wanna laugh and fight and love and make it be
We’re made for this play not a possibility
I wanna give it all we’ve got
I wanna hold that thought

I thought love could walk you two a whole life through
I thought if you believe too, so would it be to you
But the winces and wags said “really, don’t play the fool”

Well I wanna play like it’s all brand new
I wanna do and teach and believe that word is true
We’re made for faith and flying too
I wanna give it all we’ve got
I wanna hold that thought

I thought it’s time to break and whaddayou say
I thought the light is here and dying is the way
But the winces and whines said “we fear, you should stay”


You’ll find the rest of the third verse through the links below.

You get to write the end of the story.

Open the one that speaks to you.
What you see is what you will get.
Not everything that is true is the truth.
True story…

V3: Facts Are truth

…if enough people are saying it, it must be true.

V3: Faith is Truth

…some things are just plain worth believing in.

The lark & the owl…

“You know, daytime really is the best time. Sunshine splashes over everything and my song comes like a geyser from my heart.”

“Yes, daytime is nice.”


“The night will make you deep and wise. Next time you’re up early, waiting for the dawn, look up and hold the bucket of your heart under that waterfall.”

Light is always there, if you’re lookin.

Here’s to lookin.

Only he?

They say a sailor loves the sea….
…but what does the sea say?

He is hollers and hoots and scopes and charts.
This star and that port and treasure and returning with glory for the court.
She is waves and wallows and winds and whispers.
Everywhere and near and over and under and washing the world with tears.
Trimming and tacking and trading with the wind… does he think only he brought himself to here?
He might… splash over her tremendous deep and step to the con with forgetful feet.
So she rages and tears at his blistered beams,
the tackle and the ties, all to touch his hiding heart, inside.
He scabs his knees and wails and weeps…
“oh god save me from this terrible sea!”

Now sails are tissues and masts are toothpicks…
…you hear the Loveliest whisper “I AM, this terrible sea, is me.”

Soul tie…

“What’s the story on the necklace?”

Shifting glances.


“Yeah. That’s new, right?”

“Uh, just something I like a lot. Hey, I’ve been looking at this cool Hebrew word, nefesh, you know about it?”

“Come on, there’s always a story with you.”

Guilty chuckles.

“Alright, I guess there’s a story. And it’s not new, just finally tied it together.”

“Ha! But hold on, I only have like three hours, so…”

Arm punch.

“Relax. It’s a short one. So I was at this little place, first time…”

“What place? Have I been there?”

“Doubt it, off the beaten path. Really cute place, old fashioned, but fresh, lively, and…”

Interruption. “Hey guys how’s it going?”

“Extremely very… fine. We’re fine, yeah. What’s good with you?”

Skipping rocks conversation.

“Okay, so… necklace? Short story?”

“Right. So standing in line a guy tried to toss this cap into a basket on the other side of me, guess I was in the way or something. Anyway he missed and it fell on the floor by my feet, I was like ‘oh I got it.’”

“That’s it?”

“Pretty much. I don’t know, I couldn’t toss it. So I put it in my pocket.”



“Yeah, I think about weird things. In all of space and time, if either one of us hadn’t been there at the same place and time… whatever. My sister says I’m a mad hatter… lovingly… in love.”

“I can see where she’s coming from… so you made it into a necklace.”

“Yep. I guess somewhere I got bent, I don’t know, I look for the under appreciated thing, the thing someone else thought wasn’t a thing, the passed over thing. What something could be is what is secretly is. Like a seed. I made it special to me and I think that makes me something.”

“That’s either brilliance or we need to put you in a home.”

Laughs all the way through.

“I’m trusting you to tell me when I need to get help.”

“Do I dare ask about the Hebrew thing?”

“Oh yeah, this is cool. Nefesh, usually translated ‘soul’ or ‘life?’ Same word is literally translated ‘neck.’”

Coffee talks…

“Just a latte please.”

“Okay latte, anything else?”

“Nope that’s all thanks.”

“Okay what’s your name?”




“Okay cool. Wasn’t sure if I heard Robin or Robert… you look more like a Robert.”

“Well, thanks.”

Of the few I’ve received, that’s perhaps my most favorite compliment.

How silly is that?

A drinking problem…

“What’s your favorite poetry?”
“Poetry? You mean ‘poem?’”
“Yeah yeah, what’s your favorite poem.”
“Geez. I don’t know. That’s like asking… I don’t know. ‘What’s your favorite drink of water?’”
“I don’t drink water.”
“Too boring.”
“I don’t think we can be friends anymore.”
“You don’t have any other friends.”
“I will cut you.”
“Poetry. Come on, educate me.”
“I’m not gonna try to explain it.”
“See, that’s the problem. No one knows what the darn stuff means.”
“Look out here. What do you see?”
“Uh, trees, sky, a hill, some cows.”
“How does it make you feel?”
“Uh, relaxed, I guess. I mean, it’s pretty.”
“What does it mean?”
“Huh? What does it mean? It’s just… dadgumit. You always do this.”
“Start with Frost. His famous stuff. He’s crisp and clear.”
“I’m still mad.”
“The foggier ones, not as popular, but usually my favorites. Here listen to this…”

“She would refuse love safe with wealth and honor!
The lovely shall be choosers, shall they?
Then let them choose!”
“Then we shall let her choose?”
“Yes, let her choose.
Take up the task beyond her choosing.”
Invisible hands crowned on her shoulder
In readiness to weigh upon her.
But she stood straight still,
In broad round earrings, gold and jet with pearls,
And broad round suchlike brooch,
Her cheeks high-colored,
Proud and the pride of friends.
The Voice asked, “You can let her choose?”
“Yes, we can let her and still triumph.”
“Do it by joys, and leave her always blameless.”

Flash forward…

It was a grey pickup, like their hair.  Same year and single cab.
Some couples sit silently in the car.  Not them.
Couldn’t hear their words, but it was friendly on their faces.
They went into a sunset yellow light.
I caught the red.
Don’t worry.
I’m only a little bit behind them.

Hey baby…

Look into her too-big eyes… she knows something. 

“What is it baby?  What do you know?” 

Baby can’t talk.  So I search her eyes for her secret. 

“Your drool doesn’t fool me baby.  I will guess what you’re hiding, soon I think.” 

Awe and then some.

Open range…

Two fields crept close, and kept until the wires whined and the fence posts wept.  A fence I can’t see.  Eyelashes painted giddy green raking the wind and stacking it in piles so the wild grown flowers can gather ‘round and wave and bow down. The other field lays mown.

And neither has what the other wants.

Cranes that fly…

“Heard some cranes goin’ south today.”

“Oh?” she filled his plate.

“Must be into March now.”

Clearing the dishes, she said, “Do you think it’s the 12th yet?”

“Don’t know. The preacher hasn’t been around.”

“I think tomorrow is the 12th.” she stated.
“Will you go with me tomorrow to sit with him?” she asked the window.

She was answered by the door. Closed and hard.

Their little house shook from the shake-shouldered roof to the toe-nailed floor boards. She held the counter until the shaking stopped and their empty cradle stood still too.

P.S. I wrote this hard-to-read story for you because you are a brilliant reader-of-stories and you deserve it.

Interesting facts: Sandhill cranes frequently give a loud, trumpeting call that suggests a rolled “r” in the throat, and they can be heard from a long distance, especially in migratory flight. Mated for life, pairs of cranes engage in “unison calling.” The cranes stand close together, calling in a synchronized and complex duet. [Wikipedia]

So he went to the mountain…

I would never write about skinny dipping but if I did I would write about washing your heart in the crisp mountain stream which springs from Isolation.  If you would shimmy your heart from worldly dressings and let down your cares, you must go to the wilderness where everything lives wild and free from the fear of interruption. Naked hearts are even more alarming and awe full than naked bodies. Better to go alone, mostly. Invite and the Whisper might and the Whisper will come and wash your feet there. Wade and splash and bask and be made new.  In quietness and trust is your strength.

Take your heart to the mountain, just the One who Loves and you.


Time is a friend I love to hate.
So fanciful and flighty and romantic and… untrue.
Seven hours in a second and seven days feeling every second like an hour.

Time, why are you so timely?


Hiatus comes from the Latin hio, which means a yawning or an opening. 

A familiar-looking sister word is portal.   

Think: a yawning grave.   

Now that is an interesting portal. 

Hiatus is also familiar to anatomical language, referring to an opening, especially in an organ. 

e.g. the Hiatus aorticus is a hole in your diaphragm. 

Your aorta goes through there. 

All your life blood goes through a hole in the thing that gives you breath. 

How about that.

Then & Than…

Then and Than were born under a waxy moon.
Brothers, one God loved and one he hated.
One became a stepping stone for others.
A connector of ideas, a launchpad for the future.
The other became a harsh judge of the world.
Knowing always how to bind you to Better, or Worse.

For better or worse,
Then and Than were born under a waxy moon.
Mind which one you call on, and When.


Why are your ways so high?
While I am so low?
Why are your thoughts so still?
While all day long we are killed?

It’s quiet up there.

My side is empty,
But my hand is taken.

Forgiveness, can you imagine?

Afraid to laugh…

“If a good god is real why doesn’t he or she just show up sitting on a cloud or riding a unicorn with wings or something?”

“Did you know Where’s Waldo has sold more than 55 million copies around the world?”


“Where’s Waldo, the crowd scenes with the Waldo character hiding in every single one…”

“Yeah yeah, I know. Great way to kill time. Super hard to find that guy sometimes. What’s that got to do with anything?”

“How many do you think we would buy if every page was just a giant picture of Waldo’s face?”

I waited for a giant picture for a long time. Then I got bored.

What if the point of all this is to get good at killing time?

Eternity is a long time, after all.

“Seek, and you will find.”

Maybe God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh…

Excuse me, I’m being serious here, did you just giggle?

What does it all mean?

Only 7% of humans are alive today.

Wise guys guess over 100 billion humans have existed, ever.

7 billion alive today = 7%.

That means you are 0.00000000001% of humans to have life, ever. *

At any point in life, a human is personally familiar with about 150 other humans, on average. **

The 150 people you know total 0.0000000015% of the humans to have life, ever. ***

You are alive today. And the few with you.

Not 1,000 years ago or a 1,000 years from now.

You are here today.

Not in a different galaxy or even a different town.

Who else is here today?

What do you think that means?

Today is the only day.

Is it marvelous in your eyes?

We are here. For a moment.

Will you rejoice and be glad with me?

* 1 / 100,000,000,000 = 1e-11

** Dunbar’s Number: Group Size and Brain Physiology in Humans

*** 150 / 100,000,000,000 = 1.5e-9

Light to lift is heavy to hold…

Certainty is heavy cargo.
And it will be your death.

Storms in life will bring your soul to the place where your lighthouse is, and break you on the rocks.

It makes sense.
It’s the one place you agree is worth dying for.
And Love needs you to die.

Carry light in your hold.
Light rises, in the end.

Bound to freedom…

It’s up to me I’m as free as I claim to be!
Claims one as chained himself to a tree.

Be free as a deer and safely under steer my overseer!
Wearies priest and atheist whose closest to god is fear.

A salty sailor answered me best,
Freedom is what do you guess?

One chain deep and one thread high,
Your anchor in the veil your Star in the sky.

If it’s freedom you desire
Bind your self to her
Everywhere you go
There you are

A tiny snail brain…

I was exceedingly irresponsible on Wednesday.

I thought I might be turning into a bum.

“…if I keep this up, I won’t have a place to lay my head.”

It’s okay though, I snapped out of it.

Here’s what happened…

Work was stacking up, a real tower of babbling and beeping and buzzing.

Typical Wednesday morning for important people who do important stuff.

Something called me outside for a minute before diving in.

Then I just laid on the lawn and counted clouds.

For hours.

Horrendous, I know. And it gets worse.

I let the baby eat a dandelion and climb on my head and play with a piece of green hose so now he probably thinks playing with snakes is totally fine.

And I did nothing, still.

The dog snored.

The sun shined.

The chimes chimed.

We watched a snail labor for two hours over the fresh cut grass.

He was doing about 12 inches per hour, top speed. Working very hard.

Then our Rock Island Red named Julia came along and ate him.

Snails only live a few weeks, you know.

Even where rusty-feathered chickens aren’t.

Still, something was super important to this silly snail.

Something other than drinking today’s bluest sky and occasionally watering the greenest grass with my eyes.

His imagined destination (probably not a chicken gullet) must have been important indeed, for him to be striving so certainly for most of his short snail life.

Thank God I have a big man brain and not a tiny snail brain.

Everyone knows you gotta have a sense of urgency to get anywhere in life.

Anyway, I’m back to work on my tower now so it’s all good.

It’s a very important tower and lots of people are counting on me I think.

“Hey, how do you know the snail was a ‘he’?”
Good question.
Mostly a guess.
When it comes to work, women seem to know better.
But you already knew that, didn’t you?  =)

Just plain loco…

Casual like a hand on your hip their right hands rested on their shiny Colts.

Surrounding the camp they squeezed in and the fire played shadows behind.

An old man with paint on his face just sat there.  Was he asleep?

“Come on in boys. Coffee’s on.”

Their eyebrows played catch with question marks.

Bacon curling in a pan tasted his nose and the first boy was off his horse.

Boy Two shrugged and put leather on the ground.

“Where y’all headed?”

“We’re headed west to find…”

“Just passin’ through.” The third one cut in and daggered Boy One with his eyes.

“Thanks for sharing sups and your coffee.”

“Where do you come from, sir?”

The old man produced a few sticks from under his robe and fed the embers.

“I was born under this sky.”

They tossed more eyebrows.

“We’re headed west to find places of our own.” The first boy said.

He ducked as a mesquite bean flew for his head.

“Your friend is wise.” The old man said to Boy One.
“What you don’t speak about can’t hurt you.”

“Your friend is also wise.” The old man said to Boy Three.
“What you don’t speak about can’t help you.”

“Yeah that’s right! So we’re headed west to find places of our own. Have you ever had a place of your own? We all have different ideas about what makes a good place. I think a place should have a nice lake and a meadow. He thinks a hill for the house is most important and Tight Lips over there won’t say what he thinks, believe it or not.”

“So have you… have you ever had a place of your own?” The second one said.

The old man’s eyes went bluer as a mist rolled in.

“I mean, a lake just makes sense. And good grass for the beeves. An then there’s the view…”

All the crickets and a coyote wearing a coat of moonlight wondered how the rambling boy managed to speak without breaks for breathing.

“What do you think, sir?” The third one said.

More sticks.

“You sure you want to know what I think?”


“Truly, all you need is a spring.”


“A spring with living water. You can go the distance there.”

“Ha! Come on, I mean springs are great, yeah, but for all the other stuff everybody likes different things, right? You got to pick a place that really fits you.”

“Times change. People change. Even land changes. Pick a place where the water goes deep and you’ll laugh through the dry spells.

The moon-coated coyote filled up the silence, for a while.

“I’ve passed a few places with springs, I know they weren’t right. How do
I know when I find the right one?” Boy Two said.

“The Great Spirit will tell you. She will still everything.” His eyes were closed again.

The first boy touched his temple and twirled his finger.

“Yes, I am crazy.” The old man said without opening his eyes.

“Crazy enough to have found my own place.
“Crazy enough to be happy, even.
“Crazy enough to be loving life to death.”

Then he tested the boys with his gaze.

“Are you crazy enough?”

Cliff diving, on fire…

“I think I found my calling.”

“Is it saying random things?”

The strange boy tossed his head back and bunches of bluebirds burst from the tree to speckle the yawning sky.

“That was a good one. You got me.”

Flinty steel in his eyes betrayed the glimmer playing around his mouth.

Whatever he said next was likely to set something on fire.

“Love is like cliff diving.

“On a trail you might turn back at anytime. You might see another trail more fair, more appealing and turn down there.

“On a path you might find great pleasure in each whispering fork you pass knowing your way is only yours, to split or not to split.

“Truly you may follow your heart to top of any mountain but the truest way to the bottom of your self is found when your feet leave the ledge.

“There are no off ramps in cliff diving.

“No take backs, no tap outs.

“After the toe tip it’s all out for the all in.”

I don’t know how I know that.

But… I do.

Love leaves the overlook of heaven without any wings.
Fallen to the bottom of my shattered shoreline.
Collided at the crossroads of eternity.

Perfectly laid beneath the waves of my curse.

Until bursting forth the Island rises.
Even salty death gives way to molten Love.
Come to the Island, oh my soul, and be melted.

Who drives you?

Robert H. Cantley.

He is a great grandfather.

She drove north every young summer to visit him and the woman with him.

He’s like the dad she didn’t have because somebody ran a red light.

They shared homemade dinners and wine and would wind miles of stories at the stove every night.

They moved their lives over for that bright-eyed girl.

They believed in seeds and a harvest they wouldn’t live to see.

Sun up, top down he drove a 1953 Chevy Corvette, baby blue, shiny and cool.

He sold it with light in his heart when the heavy bubble burst.

He rolled right over the worst months in a 1994 pickup painted like raw milk.

He found the 4×4 far better for first-time-fishing in the mountains with great-grandkids and when they weren’t looking the lake shiny and cool would fill his eyes bouldered and blue and make him cry like a baby.

“He drives me crazy.”  His wife will say.

He won’t argue with his lady. And he never says why.

He just makes music with his eyes.

“He loves like heaven does.”

He’s a stake driven in the ground his family goes around.

The bright-eyed girl gave his name, to her first boy.

They sent her boy to pick up his old fashioned Ford, last year.

Single cab stick shift saddle blankets on the seats.

Pneumonia hit him in the chest like a cement truck.

Death is one helluva red light.

So I sit in his seat and drive.

Did you know Randy Travis wrote a song about my great-grandfather?

Naked fire in the sky…

“I see bright beams begin to feather the air, fluttering and floating and tickling the stars to death.

One by one they give their twinkling rays to the gaze of the one testing the horizon.

His warm fingers of light find the cold locks of night… the door to the day is here.

There’s certainly something sacred in the sun’s gentle way.

Warblers wait rooted in the treetops, for that moment.

Seeds stay their wrestling in the earth, in that moment.

Even time trembles and takes a breath at that threshold moment.

I’ve always wondered why he hesitates.  What is he waiting for?  

Maybe waiting for us to feel the waiting…

Then it’s crossing over and riding on the clouds, peeling back the robes of night and washing clear the cold black blight.

Naked fire fills the sky and the full glory is harsh light.

The beauty in all the earth is seen as she newly is.  As she truly is…”

They sat and stared awhile, wearing the heavy light.

“I’m glad you asked me that.”  said the strange boy.
“What do you see in a sunrise?”

Spilled on a tree…

Valentine’s Day celebrated everyone knows but I’m not very sure I have one of those so I’m writing to you to celebrate red.

Red is good for many things.

Keeping the robin warm in rain springs and telling the tomato how to make a burger look yum and making barns less boring and Texas tourists call the fire department when they see fields on fire with all the Indian paintbrush.

Red is always reminding us where we are.

A red dot in a crowded mall or a red blot on a cursed tree.

Red is good for knowing where you are.

You are here.

Are you glad you are here?

I am.

Glad you are here.

Watching her rage…

The white wind tumbles and the sails flip and fly like a rebellious summer dress likely to unstay except for the proud tapered masts standing still while the wind walks her keel through the adolescent waves.

Walking on moonbeams…

Why is he always telling stories?

Why doesn’t he just say what he means?

A full moon smile rose on the strange boy’s cheeks.

“Here’s a good one. Once, dad fired one of our orchard managers.”

“Okay. What happened?”

“Before he cleaned out his desk, the manager called a meeting with all the orchard people.”

“No, I mean why did he get fired?”

“And at this meeting he says “Alright everyone, I’m feeling generous today. Everyone who owes us anything, get our your bills, mark them down by half. I’ll sign off.” Just like that he cut all their debts in half, on his last day!”

“What!? He was already fired. He can’t do that, right?“

“He figured his little display of generosity might win him some new friends. It worked too. They loved him for it. He couch-surfed with some of them until he found steady work again.”

“Well, what did your dad do, wasn’t he mad?”

“Hah, no way! He almost rehired him.”

“But the guy cheated! He basically gave away your dad’s money!”

A laughing stream broke their path.

“Here, I know the way across. Watch where I put my feet.”

“You still didn’t tell me why he got fired.”

“Oh. I guess he got afraid. He got stingy with the orchard, anyhow.”

On the other side, the strange boy drew some numbers in the dust.

“How much is $1,000 worth? Or $10,000? Or $10 million?”
“How long does any wealth last?”
He looked up and the sun filled his eyes.
“How much is a friendship worth?”
“How long does a friendship last?”

Daylight was courting the horizon now.
The confident path sped their steps.

“Still, I don’t think your dad should let people just give away his stuff.”

“If you owned all the stars, how many would you give away?”
“Can you waste something that never runs out?”

Something in his chest sprung.

“It’s like I always say, little brother…
…the only way to lose your life is to try to save it.”

Moonbeams are quite soft underfoot, you know.
So they went on silently, for a while.

Sophia says…

The world would be fine if you never existed. Don’t sweat it.
The world will never be the same because you exist. Sweat blood.

Nothing we do changes anything in the end.
What we do is all that matters in the end.

All of this collapses to dust.
All of this sings for eternity.

Life’s greatest pain is in giving yourself to another.
Life’s greatest joy is in giving yourself to another.

If you commit you will probably lose everything.
If you don’t commit you will probably lose everything.

Losing isn’t everything.
Winning isn’t anything.

Being together is painful delight.
Being alone is delightful pain.

Death is a bitter pill in the end.
Death makes every day sweet.

You are born and then you die.
You live.

The only way to lose everything?

“So what else does your daddy do?”

The strange boy smiled.
“I remember this one time he painted a sunset, all purple and orange, using only his toes. And he laughed the whole time.“

The evening crickets chortled too, as the boys walked along.

“So he just gives apples away? For free?”

“Yup. He gives to everyone. Not just apples, all kinds of fruits.“

They passed a blue-bellied owl spreading his wings to catch a moon tan.

“One of my favorite stories is about a boy who grew up with nothing. Daddy gave him a whole kingdom.” The strange boy giggled. “He made every mistake you can think of. He didn’t always follow the rules. He didn’t always think things through. But he loved Daddy. A lot. One time he was so happy about knowing our Daddy that he danced around in his underwear. In the street. True story. When he came home to live with us, everyone danced in the streets.”

“Another cool story is about a boy who was born to trouble. Daddy gave him a clever mind and big ambitions. This boy messed it up and down 40 years of his life. But he always loved Daddy. We sure rang the bells when he came home.”

They halted to watch a few tears of fire fall across the face of the sky.

“Tell me another… please.“

“One boy was especially bright. Daddy gave him royal position and wealth. He kept it pretty well. He tried to get all he could and he was careful to keep everything he had. When he came here to live with us, the sparkle that once lived in his eye was gone. He had saved a lot, but he hadn’t loved anyone.”

“What happened to him?”

The strange boy breathed.
“He said ‘I thought you were a hard master so I saved everything you gave me! Here, I bring it all to you!’”
“Then Daddy said to him ‘Yes, you have returned it all. You’ve made it as though I never gave it.’”

And a tear of fire fell.

“If I am fear to you then fear I am to you.”
“If I am love to you then love I am to you. “

The way you receive a gift, defines it.

2018 packed her last bag this week.
I asked her to leave me with a bit of her wisdom.

Here’s what she said. I thought you might like it…

If life is a game, we’re playing with our hearts and fear is our only adversary.

Fear shows up in a sharp suit with a pretty checklist.
Fear is reasonable.
Fear works.

For a while.

Eventually fear has me stalled, sidelined, sidetracked, derailed, detached, bench warming, Netflix chilling, grounded, high and dry, pigeon holed, on the shelf, on ice… asleep.

No one has ever been paralyzed by love…

What if not playing is the only real way to lose?

Holding the sun in your hand…

He was born under the shadow of a cactus.  

He was born walking.

Independent from birth, like all desert creatures.

Desert life is perfect.  Perfectly fair.  You reap what you sow.

Cactus cultivation is primary business in the desert.

Drink cactus to feel quenched.  Eat cactus to feel stuffed.

Life is full for desert people.

One day while walking and plucking thorns from his lips, he saw a strange boy perched on a fence post.

He had never seen a fence post in this spot before.

This boy was eating a strange fruit.

It looked like a sunset in his hand.

Pink and orange and yellow all at the same time.

Juice melted into his fingers, pooled in his palm and made tiny streams down his dusty arm.

“Is that…. an apple?”

He stepped closer.

Just saying the word made his mouth water and run dry.

An old traveler spoke of apples once.

All the cactus people said the old man was crazy.

“Yup!  Want one?”

Reaching into his bag, the strange boy presented another pink fiery apple.

Streams of apple juice were dried on both of their arms when the sunlight began to swoon.

“Where do you get the apples?”

“From my dad.”

“What’s a ‘dad’?”

When the strange boy smiled it looked like the moon was in his mouth.

“Come with me.  I’ll show ya.”

Someday I will…

A movie is a collection of unique photographs.

A film features 158,400 unique frames.

Have you ever wondered which frame is the most important one?

A silly question, I know.

The dark frame needs the light frame.

The waiting one needs the coming one.

The trembling one needs the holding one.

Every frame is the best one.

Perfectly placed in time.

Telling a story.

A life is a collection of unique moments.

You are perfectly placed in time.

This moment needs you.

The Story needs you.

Who is my neighbor…?

“When I first saw children’s television, I thought it was perfectly horrible.”

Mister Rogers didn’t pull any punches.

In 1968 he waded into the “vast wasteland” of television.

He made a simple invitation… “Won’t you be my neighbor?”

For the next 30 years he beamed light and love to young hearts everywhere.

He believed Love is at the root of everything, all learning, all relationships.

This 94 minute chronicle of his life is a deep tissue massage for your heart.

It’s rated 4.7 stars on Amazon, 8.6 on IMDB and Certified Fresh by Rotten Tomatoes.

That means a lot of people think you should watch it.

You don’t want to let them down, right?

Quite a story…

This is quite a story we find ourselves in…
Question is, how do you want it to end?

Man flints his face to the wind,
But the love crashes over and in.

Lacking his heart one sees this cruel fate,
Digs out his soul and sits back to wait.

One loses his head and sees instead, destiny.
There is some being more prepared for me.

For two his castles are all churned to sand,
In one his eternal estate never burned so grand.

Ask, and you shall be well liked…

A thoughtful question sparks delightful conversation. 

Kindled this way, conversation can burn for hours.

Even when things cool down, a smoldering of thought is often glowing beneath…

What’s the difference between who you are and what you do?

Is fibbing alright if it’s to preserve someone’s feelings?

Where do you think beauty comes from?

Do you have a favorite thoughtful question?

I’d really like to hear it.

Silly habits…

Have you ever watched a candle burn?

Smaller than a cigarette and spiraled with pink or blue, birthday candles are my favorite.

Poked into snow white frosting and crowned with an orange flame.

We serenade the drops oozing down the stem, molten paraffin usually splashing onto the sweet plaster before the last “…to you.”

Most icing tastes waxy because we have this silly habit of melting wax on it before we eat it…

Larger than a cigar and gently white, fancy dinner candles are also nice.

Mated with a polished silver holder, rising eight inches over the table cloth the wick holds a tiny sun while evening, food and conversation revolve.

Pressing its orange glow into inky space the yellow outer flame dances with the night.

Dark becomes light by traveling an imperceptible transition to the center.

Burning white and clear at the same time, at the center.

Pure and still. Bright and invisible.

Here’s another thought full of wonderment…

The Center is a point. You can miss it in every direction.

Mr. Frost put it this way…

We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.

I’m guessing he spent some time staring at candles.

What if logic doesn’t work?

Some folks like to sing and dance, “Perception is reality!”

Others, often less musical, say, “Hey Flowers, facts don’t care about your feelings.  Reality is reality.”

Who has it right?

The answer might be in your refrigerator…

When you pop open the door, a light blinks on.

Actuated by a mechanical switch, the bulb that brightens your butter is only bright when the door is open.


Is your lettuce lamp on or off right now?

Sometimes switches break.  If your fridge flood was lit when the door was sealed, how would you know?

We need to crack the door to see if the beam is burning or black.

Swinging the door moves the switch, which may bump the light, on or off.

We can’t check without changing things.

This is what science people like to call the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

(Awesome name, btw. It sounds way better than saying “we have no idea what’s going on.”)

Best we can tell, the very act of measuring a physical reality causes that reality to change.

And by “we” I mean this cool guy at MIT.

Professor Adams uses just a few boxes and four simple experiments to make his point.

The results?

Logic cracks like a Stone Table…

Following “the rules?” Apparently, Quantum Mechanics didn’t get the memo…

Electrons are doing everything except what they’re supposed to do.

Protons are everywhere except where they’re supposed to be.

Everything is anything – until we try to define it. Then things becomes relatively real.

i.e. A thing defines itself relative to the way we approached it.

I call it the Theory of Specific Relativity…

Right now, if you’re like me, your brain is white-knuckling the lap bar on this roller coaster of thought.

Some of you, brighter than me, have always known this.

Only a brightly burning heart can know something this big…

“Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your being.  When your eye is good, you are filled with light.  But when your eye is bad, your whole being is filled with darkness.”

The way we look at something changes what a thing is, in a way.

Phew, the ride’s almost over.  We’re nearly back to where we started…

Perception or Fact?
Subjective or Objective?
Color or B&W?
Music or Math?
Heart or Mind?

Which one defines “reality?”

The way you ask the question might change the way you are answered.

Dazzle and dance…

“If you don’t use magical marketing, you only have half a business…” Papa said.  He grabbed the remote and punched the mute button.

“And we’re back! Game 7 of the 2002 World Series, the Anaheim Angels vs. the San Fransisco Giants!” the announcer said.

We turned back to the TV but I couldn’t get his words out of my head…

“You can’t make people happy if they don’t know about you. No matter how good you are.”

Be good at marketing. Customers want you to help them. You can help them be happy if they know about you.”

“The world needs more happy customers.

God knew I wouldn’t be accepted to any prestigious colleges.

He knew I wouldn’t get a business or marketing degree.

But He knew I would watch baseball. He knew I would listen to my grandpa.

He always knows best.

Some people were born to make customers happy.

I was born to bring more customers to those people.

Drowning in white…

“Do not abandon the ideal of personality, even when it runs counter to developing circumstances.  Do not give it up for lost, even when it seems no longer tenable in the presence of opportunistic theories which would make the spiritual conform only to material.

“Remain men in possession of your own souls!”

This cry from the great Albert Schweitzer to bear our humanity, clinging to that Light beyond the veil, is still occasionally vaulted into the boardroom.

The usual under-breath snickering and verbal pats-on-head that follow, they always wrinkle my forehead…

“Here!” the Opportunist says, “Best not to offend anyone! All for one and one for all! Mass appeal! PC and no discrimination!”

It will only cost you a little.

A little conformity.

A little censorship.

A little sterilization.

A little piece of you.

We’re streaking towards a whitewashed morality.
Double baked truths and half moon lies.

The key to standing out is to stand for something.

Really stand for something.

I’ll stand for this…

You are nothing if not courageous.
You were created for joy.
Meaning is in your suffering.

The surest way to be boring: try to please everybody.

Besides, it’s personal torture.

Does your business have a personality?

Does your brand stand for something?

Try it.

Say what you believe.

Your fans will love you for it.

I’ll love you for it.

Intent is not morality…

Read: https://www.craigdacy.com/single-post/2016/09/12/What-Returning-Your-Shopping-Cart-Says-About-You

There are hundreds of excuses for someone to leave their cart propped up on a grassy median or left between parking spaces.

Maybe they’re in a hurry or it’s raining.

We’ve all been tempted to turn to the dark side, right?

Your child is screaming and the nearest cart receptacle is 10 parking spaces away.

“Can’t I leave the cart here just this once?”

“Just this once” moments make all the difference.

Will you cling to conviction or release to reason?

You’ll never meet a “cart deserter…” they don’t exist.

Everyone is a cart returner, 99% of the time.

Just-This-Once always arrives with a large bucket of “good reasons” to rain on your logical parade.

Rationality will march to any beat that’s played loud enough.

Dance with Principle, instead.  She will stand with you in any storm.

A good, logical person can choose right 99% of the time.

A faithful person can choose right every time.

Proverbs 3:5, “use faith, not logic,” in all things.

We judge our morality by our intent.

We judge others’ morality by their actions.

Your leadership will be judged only by your actions.

The difference between 99% and 100% is the difference between inconsistency and consistency.

A faithful leader is a consistent leader.

A consistent leader is a trusted leader.

A trusted leader is a powerful leader.

Powerful leaders change the world.

Leaders are cart returners, every time.

Thinking big…

Big doesn’t mean complex.

If you get the conviction right, one person, or a small group, can impact generations.

Alignment.  Belief.  Collaboration.

The Greatest Mission this world has ever seen was organized and launched by 12 nomads.  No infrastructure.  No employees.  No compromise of personal sovereignty.

When asked about this, a great Teacher once said:

“…if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Great impact doesn’t require great complexity.

Great impact does require great conviction.

Be courageous.

Thank You…

1. Choice – this means being free, and being responsible. Thank You for giving me choice.

2. Opportunity – this gives me something to do, to work on, to accomplish. Thank You for giving me opportunity.

3. Today – this is time to work and play, new each morning. Thank You for giving me today.

4. All Creation – this is the reality, the host of natural law, the rules and the playing field.  Thank You for giving me creation.

5. Purpose – this is the drive, the reason and the knowing, where fulfillment comes from.  Thank You for my purpose.

6. Family – this is support, knowledge and experience, where love is learned. Thank You for my family.

7. Wisdom – this is guidance, the understanding that brings joy. Thank You for wisdom.

8. Thought – this is the tool for creation, for development and application. Thank You for my mind.

9. Hope – this is renewed connection, a force of inspiration. Thank You for hope.

10. Triumph – this is the ultimate win, life over death, good over evil, light over dark. Thank You for triumph.

Die for joy…

Prisoner Viktor Frankl found sparks of joy in a Nazi concentration camp.

“In a position of utter desolation, when Man cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in enduring his sufferings in the right way, an honorable way – in such a position Man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his Beloved, achieve fulfillment.”

The meaning of life may be in suffering.

The purpose of life may be in joy.

Fix your eyes on the Beloved Love.
Imperfectly believe in perfection.
Set joy ever before you.

“The salvation of Man is through love and in love.”

Always give your best…

Give others a chance.
Give yourself a break.
Give a darn.
Give up on giving up.
Give us a sign.
Give in to that feeling that’s giving you the business.
Give us a reason to believe.
In you.
In ourselves.
In the goodness of Life that so rarely takes center stage.
Give the people what they want.
Give ‘em a hug.
Give up the 24/7 news network for Lent.
And every other day.
Give peas a chance.
Especially if they’re from your Uncle’s backyard garden.
Try the cucumbers, too.
For those out there who may be wondering why they’re not getting it,
Maybe it’s because you’re not giving it.
So, give until there’s nothing left.
And then give s’mores.

Be courageous…

Courage is the quality that conducts all others.

Courage is the truest act of faith, a righteous expression of free will.

Courage is the spirit that labors to deliver sacrificial Love.

Courage is one Being laying down their life for another; in one significant and final act, or through a lifelong struggle.

Courage is standing in the gap.

Courage is the difference between feeling and action, between desire and result.

Courage can unlid your cup, so that it may runneth over.

Love is in the heart.

Truth is in the mind.

Courage is in your hands.

Other thoughts about courage…

Article: Be wrung…

Category: Courage things…